Orders & Medals

Distinction: The Pontifical Equestrian Order of Pope St. Sylvester, Vatican
Rank: Knight Grand Cross (GCSS)
Date: 17.8.2011 awarded by HE Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, President of the German Bishop´s congregation

Distinction: The Order of Merit of the sovereign military hospitaller order of Malta
Rank: Knight Grand Cross with swords (military category)
Date: 21.11.2008 awarded by Johannes Freiherr von Heeremann

Distinction: The Order of Prince Danilo I of Montenegro
Rank: Knight Grand Cross
Date: 11.09.2007

Distinction: The Order of our Lady of the Conception of Vila Vicosa, Portugal
Rank: Knight Commander with star
Date: 28.02.2007 awarded by H.R.H. Dom Duarte Pio

Distinction: The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, Italy
Rank: Grand Officer of merit with star (GOCO)
Date: 19.04.2019 awarded by HRH Prince Charles Duke of Castro

Distinction: Reale Ordine di Francesco I, Italy
Rank: Grand Officer
Date: 09.11.2021 awarded by Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino

Distinction: The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, Italy
Rank: Knight Commander of merit with star (KCCO)
Date: 1.11.2005 awarded by HE Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O´Connors

Distinction: The Pontifical Equestrian Order of Pope St. Sylvester, Vatican
Rank: Knight Commander (KCSS)
Date: 23.07.2008 awarded by HE Apostolic Nuntio Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro

Distinction: The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, Italy
Rank: Knight of merit with star (KCO)
Date: 15.11.2002 awarded by HE Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O´Connors

Distinction: Cross of Honour of the German Forces
Rank: Gold
Date: 6.11.2001 awarded by the French Général de brigade Philippe Chalmel

Distinction: The Pontifical Equestrian Order of Pope St. Sylvester, Vatican
Rank: Knight (KSS)
Date: 23.06.2004 awarded by HE Cardinal Angelo Sodano

Distinction: Diamond Jubilee Medal for the Caribbean Realms
Date: 06.12.2012 awarded by Queen Elizabeth II

Distinction: TMPT-Cross, The Netherlands
Rank: Single
Date: 14.05.1983

Distinction: Refugee Aid Medal
Date: 23.12.2016 awarded by HE Fra´ Mathew Festing, Grand Master
of the sovereign hospitaller order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta

Distinction: Nijmegen-Cross („Vierdaagsekruis“), The Netherlands
Rank: With crown
Date: 22.07.1983

Distinction: Insignia of Honor of the  Senate of the Philosophical-Theological University Benedict Xvi., Heiligenkreuz, Austria.
Date: 05.11.2013 awarded by H.e. Abbot Maximilian Heim Coist at the Philosophical-Theological University Benedict Xvi., Heiligenkreuz, Austria.

Military Distinctions

Distinction: Jump wings – gold – Bundeswehr

Distinction: Jump wings – Thailand- Marines

Distinction: Jump wings – blue – Israel

Distinction: Jump wings – The Netherlands

Distinction: Parachutist insignia (Myanmar Army)

Distinction: Einzelkämpferabzeichen (German Commando Insignia)

Distinction: Leistungsabzeichen Bundeswehr – gold (German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency – gold)

Distinction: Cross of Honour of the German Forces

Distinction: Nijmegen-Cross („Vierdaagsekruis“), The Netherlands

Distinction: TMPT-Cross, The Netherlands, Single

Distinction: The Order of Merit of the sovereign military hospitaller order of Malta
Rank: Knight Grand Cross with swords (military category)

Distinction: Airborne division

Distinction: Berner Waffenmarsch (Distance march Bern – military)


  • New York Marathon in 2007
  • Venice Marathon in 2009
  • New York Marathon 2015
  • Lifeguard DLRG -gold-
  • Lifeguard Wasserwacht (water rescue) -gold-


  • Hunting licence
  • Military licence for explosives
  • Life guard – gold – DLRG
  • Life guard – gold – Wasserwacht (German water rescue)
  • Motorcycle driving licence – all classes
  • Motor boat licence
  • PADI open water diver
  • Parachuting & Skydiving, MFF & AFF
  • Paragliding, A-licence
  • Private firearm certificate
  • Private pilot licence – complex endorsement
  • Private pilot licence – high performance endorsement
  • Qualified agriculturalist